Big-Game is a design studio created in 2004 by Augustin Scott de Martinville, Elric Petit and Grégoire Jeanmonod based in Lausanne, Switzerland. The studio has received a number of awards, including the Wallpaper Design Award, the Swiss Design Award, the iF Design Award and more.

Meet The Designers
On their design philosophy Big-Game We like to think of our work as being rooted in simplicity, functionality and optimism, expressed through physical products.
On Scandinavian design:
"We love Scandinavian design for its balance of functionality and warmth. To us, Scandinavia is probably the place where people’s awareness of design is the most developed, across all generations. Dynamic innovative brands such as Muuto are keeping this pioneering spirit alive and we are proud to bring our contribution to its heritage with a touch of our Swiss-based studio."