Broberg & Ridderstråle are Swedish designers and architectural partners. Their work combines aesthetic rationality with a touch of humor and wit. Both Mats Broberg and Johan Ridderstråle graduated from Konstfack University of Design with honors and have been awarded the Swedish Art Council’s working grant. Their work has been exhibited in Tokyo, Milan, and London.

Meet The Designers
Broberg & Ridderstråle

On Their Design Philosophy Broberg & Ridderstråle Inspiration is the first and most important aspect that a designer looks towards when crafting a new object. Without this first-hand vision, the designer is often lost in shapes and forms that lack soul and meaning. However, the source of inspiration and how one uses it is never certain. This is the beauty of design to us; never knowing when or where the next project will begin—you just have to keep your eyes open.

On Scandinavian Design:
"It is honest and clear; in that way, it holds itself true to its heritage. However since we are living in a global society with the pros and cons that comes with it, it would be rash to argue that the Scandinavian countries have a unified design approach. To us, it is an ongoing progressive search for new answers and solutions regarding our daily life rather than a definition of style and tradition."