Meet the designers


Margrethe Odgaard is part of the new generation of textile designers in Denmark. After graduating from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2005, she worked as a textile designer in Philadelphia, and later in Paris, before setting up design studio in Copenhagen in 2013. She has received both national and international awards alongside global recognition for her work with textiles, colors and patterns.

Wanting to have a color index with a compelling richness and complexity in it, Margethe Odgaard set out to create her own color system, communicating color in her personal design language. She calls it The Popsicle Index: “I wanted to create a range of hues that possess an immediate appeal to the senses and successfully relate to the body,” says Odgaard.

On Her Design Philosophy Margrethe Odgaard Have simplicity as a clarified vision. Look for fresh ways of combining and exploiting color. Make the process as important as the outcome. Share your knowledge, ideas, and skills without hesitation. Be specific to order to become general. Use good tools and create new ones if necessary. Think through your hands. Free yourself from the limits of coolness. Allow things to evolve at their own pace. Listen. Laugh. Dance.

On Scandinavian design:

"The new generation of Scandinavian designers are aware of the history and craft of our culture, and in that knowledge, we find the keys to choosing the right solutions when making beautiful and functional products for everyday life."

Product By Designer

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