united nations global compact
As of March 2022, we joined the United Nations Global Compact initiative. By that, we commit ourselves to aligning our strategies and operations with the Ten Universal Principles of the United Nations Global Compact — in the areas of human and labor rights, environment and anti-corruption.
view our participant profile
respect for human rights
In striving to ensure that our designs are produced using safe techniques, by skilled workers who operate under healthy conditions, we have all our manufacturers sign our Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct is aligned with the United Nations Global Compact's Ten Principles. Key issues include anti-corruption policies and prohibiting child labor. Because for us, it’s essential that our suppliers share the same mindset when it comes to socially responsible practices.

safety even beyond our borders
Safety is a crucial component in every product that we design and in every link of the production chain. In addition to complying with our own high Danish standards for safety, we adhere to regulations in the markets where we operate. For example, today, more than 80% of our wooden furniture is made using water-based lacquers. Water-based lacquer emits fewer chemicals, which makes for better and safer working conditions at our suppliers.
visit our suppliers
oursustainable perspectives
Keen to learn more about Muuto’s sustainable practices? Click either of the links below to delve further into our sustainable perspectives.